
2 days


Web Test Automation
Training with Codeception

2 days workshop from Codeception founders
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End-to-end or acceptance tests are essential for any application. The code can work perfectly, but users still see a blank screen on a website. How to avoid this? This training teaches how to drive browsers using Selenium WebDriver, test complex UIs, and deal with single-page applications. We will also cover ATDD and BDD practices to write specifications and tests before the actual code. As a primary tool for web testing, we use Codeception, which allows us to write tests effectively by implementing high-level API. Such tests are easy to write, read, and maintain. We will also cover how to manage data inside a test.

Target audience
Course type
2 days
Course duration
10 persons
Average amount in a group
Course level
Theory / practice
Onsite, online
Fee per participant

Workshop agenda

General overview

General overview

– The purpose of automated testing
– Testing styles: blackbox and whitebox testing
– Different testing levels: unit / integration / functional
– Business specification to drive a test
– Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
– Basics of browser testing
– Selenium WebDriver and other testing tools
Acceptance Testing Inside a Browser

Acceptance Testing Inside a Browser

– Getting started with Codeception
– Using WebDriver module
– Writing basic test scenario
– Locating elements on the page
– Locator strategies (CSS, XPath)
– Performing assertions
– Waiting for elements to appear


– Using PageObject pattern
– Moving out common actions to Actor
– Reusing session between tests
– Multi-session browser testing
– Grouping actions into StepObjects


– Using headless browsers for speed
– Writing readable test scenarios
– Managing test data
– Reporters (XML, HTML, Allure)
– Extending Codeception
– SImultaneous execution

Michael Bodnarchuk

Codeception founder and tech consultant.

Michael works for Codeception, CodeceptJS, and other open-source projects aimed to automate testing and make it easy and fun. By developing this product, he gathered experience from a wide range of companies and individuals who use Codeception.

He always tries to show the complete picture of testing. He believes that tests should be easy to read, write, and maintain.

Michael is also a frequent speaker at PHP (Dutch PHP, PHP Benelux, …) and Test Automation conferences.


10% discount for groups of 8 people or more

    Within one week after the application, you will receive a confirmation email if you are approved. A maximum of 12 participants will be accepted.

    Contact us:

    If you would like to get in touch with us, send a note to or follow us on Facebook for more updates and details. SDClabs accomplished 30+ projects and got a lot of niche expertise and knowledge. We are ready to share our experience to help you achieve more. Currently, we are working on test automation and DevOps courses. Soon they will be available on separate pages. Meanwhile, you can contact us if you want to start training:

    Selenium WebDriver for beginners
    Selenium WebDriver advanced
    Selenium WebDriver on Java
    Selenium WebDriver on Python
    Selenium WebDriver on Ruby
    Android mobile test automation
    iOS mobile test automation
    Full stack mobile test automation
    BDD explained on details
    Cucumber on java
    API test automation on java, python, ruby, c#
    Test automation infrastructure (Docker, Kubernetes)
    Codeception web test automation Advanced
    CodeceptJS web test automation Advanced

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