PageObjects and StepObjects are supported out of the box. They can be generated and used in tests through dependency injection.
Designed for scenario driven acceptance testing in BDD-style
Backend agnostic
Use browser automation engine of your choice: webdriverio, Protractor, Nightmare, or execute tests on mobile with Appium

Modern JavaScript
Tests are written in ES2016, TypeScript is supported as well. Works great with AngularJS, React, Vue.js, Ember, and other SPA frameworks.
Web & Mobile Testing
Smart locators: use names, labels, matching text, CSS or XPath to locate elements.
Synchronous API
You don’t need to care about callbacks, or promises. Easy to use non-experienced developers.
We provide a full range of activities related to both CodeceptJS and Test Automation



Outsourcing and outstaffing

Education and workshops
We will also gladly cover your software testing & devops needs If you lack of test team and engineers
We are building solid automated tests infrastructure with CodeceptJS. 5 reasons to choose us:

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1200 €
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700 €
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