2 days
Testing Legacy
Applications Training
Be confident: test applications before refactoring.
2 days workshop from Codeception founders
As everything in the world, applications became older. However, they can still be profitable and reliable. Such applications especially need testing, even if they are planned for refactoring. The stability and predictability of an application can be obtained only by writing tests for the most common execution methods. We will start with business expectations first, write characterization tests, and then proceed to refactoring. By completing this training, students will get the confidence to perform significant changes in the application.
2 days
10 persons
Onsite, online
Workshop agenda

General overview
– Testing styles: blackbox and whitebox testing
– Different testing levels: unit / integration / functional
– Business specification to drive a test
– Testing domain logic

Characterization tests
– Describing business expectations
– Acceptance tests with PhpBrowser module
– Testing forms and validation rules

Integration & Unit Testing
– Testing business logic
– Writing testable code
– Test Driven Development (TDD)
– Managing test dependencies
– Mocks and stubs
– Cyclomatic complexity and unit tests
– Collecting code coverage

– How to prioritize tests in legacy applications
– Optimizing test execution
– Extending Codeception
We expect experienced PHP developers, middle & senior levels.
– PHP 7.x
– JetBrains PhpStorm or Netbeans as IDE
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method lets us get success in problems of all levels.
It depends on a legacy application provided by the client.
Michael Bodnarchuk
Codeception founder and tech consultant.
Michael works for Codeception, CodeceptJS, and other open-source projects aimed to automate testing and make it easy and fun. By developing this product, he gathered experience from a wide range of companies and individuals who use Codeception.
He always tries to show the complete picture of testing. He believes that tests should be easy to read, write, and maintain.
Michael is also a frequent speaker at PHP (Dutch PHP, PHP Benelux, …) and Test Automation conferences.

10% discount for groups of 8 people or more
Within one week after the application, you will receive a confirmation email if you are approved. A maximum of 12 participants will be accepted.
Contact us:
If you would like to get in touch with us, send a note to or follow us on Facebook for more updates and details. SDClabs accomplished 30+ projects and got a lot of niche expertise and knowledge. We are ready to share our experience to help you achieve more. Currently, we are working on test automation and DevOps courses. Soon they will be available on separate pages. Meanwhile, you can contact us if you want to start training:
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